
At Clean, we work on various projects that strengthen innovation, water and environmental technology. Below you can see the types of projects we have and read more about each one.

Innovation projects enables small and medium-sized enterprises to drive green transformation by developing, demonstrating, and testing their water and environmental technology in collaboration with other actors such as another company or knowledge partners, making it possible to put technology into practice and drive innovation.

Partner projects are collaborations where Clean works closely with partners to create synergies and solve water and environmental challenges through joint projects and initiatives.

Knowledge bridge projects brings knowledge from knowledge institutions to businesses, where experts advise companies and enable continuous innovation and development, even when the technology is not yet fully mature.

  • Trace

  • SMEBeyond – South Baltic SMEs Advancing Beyond Borders

  • Tents at a festival


  • Water4All

  • Cardboard and paper waste


  • Poseidon

  • Beyond Beta – CleanTech Acceleration

  • CO2 Vision NeXt

  • COP – Cirkular Ocean-Bound Plastic

  • Simply

  • Closing Loops

  • From waste to disposable cups – and eventually to nutrition

  • From waste to 3D printed home

  • PlastTrack

  • Lighthouse for water technology 2.0

  • Brazil-Denmark Water Network

  • TechCircle

  • Green Impackt

  • Endurance – Green Acceleration for EU Clusters

  • Food & Beverage Carton Recycling

  • Talent to a Green Denmark

  • Water Smart Connect

  • Acelera

  • IDX

  • Indo-Danish Water Smart Technology network

  • Excess Heat Recycling

  • P.R.E.S.I

  • Innovation Power Environmental Technology 2023-24

  • Direct information for green agenda

  • Carbon capture storage monitoring

  • StreamsClean

  • Danish CCU potential in Australia

  • Smartflow

  • BRINC – Brokering cross-border innovation through clusters

  • ChalkGush

  • New groundwater mapping technology and its novelty with focus on India

  • Green Roof Biodiversity Monitoring

  • Transparent data-driven water utilization in West Bengalen

  • Finished

    3R Connect – Reduce, Reuse, Rethink

  • Finished

    Detection and reduction of airborne viruses in daycare centers

  • Sustainable reduction of PFAS pollution from groundwater wells

  • More sustainable paint packaging

  • Finished

    BioFrass – pesticide-free plant protection and nutrition

  • Circular return system for returnable glass bottles

  • Smart reusable cup for closed loops

  • Finished

    Bio-based road surfaces with a lower carbon footprint

  • Finished

    Naturpladen – grown acoustic panels

  • Urban Tin Mining

  • InflowGo’s expansion to the US market

  • Agnostic Platform for Smart Water Devices

  • Finished

    Nanobubbles for aeration and wastewater treatment

  • Finished


  • Finished

    Circular practice – CO2 assessment of resource symbioses

  • Finished

    Market fit for wastewater data platform

  • Finished

    Continuum Wind Turbine Blade recycling

  • Finished

    CO2-reducing biodegradable cups

  • Finished

    Carbon Capture and Storage as a Service

  • Finished

    Feasibility study of power centre Grindsted

  • Finished

    Circular Cities

  • Finished

    Recycling discarded bed mattress

  • Finished

    Multi-calibration system for microsensors for air quality monitoring

  • Finished

    CPAP – Circular Plastics in the Americas Program

  • Finished

    Lighthouse for water technology

  • Finished

    Preventing toxic by-products of amine-based CO2 capture

  • Finished

    Watertech Connect

  • Finished


  • Finished

    SDG Landing Pad

  • Finished


  • Finished

    Microbiological potential in SUDS beds

  • Finished

    Three Roads to Circular Economy – Reduce – Reuse – Recycle

  • Finished


  • Finished

    EU Techbridge

  • Finished


  • Finished

    The Intelligent Well

  • Finished

    Mobile system for decentralised treatment at the well level

  • Finished

    Recycling of PFTE

  • Finished

    Computerised electrocoagulation for H2S control

  • Finished

    Automatic brick cleaner

  • Finished


  • Finished

    Protecting groundwater with bioremediation barriers

  • Finished

    Structural health monitoring

  • Finished

    New way to upcycle bread

  • Finished

    Innovative waterproofing technology

  • Finished

    Sorting and recycling of textile waste

  • Finished

    Zero port emission

  • Finished

    Recycling of plastic-aluminium composites

  • Finished

    Turn waste to homes

  • Finished

    C40 City Solutions Platform

  • Finished

    Nordic Solutions for C40