At Clean, we work on various projects that strengthen innovation, water and environmental technology. Below you can see the types of projects we have and read more about each one.
Innovation projects enables small and medium-sized enterprises to drive green transformation by developing, demonstrating, and testing their water and environmental technology in collaboration with other actors such as another company or knowledge partners, making it possible to put technology into practice and drive innovation.
Partner projects are collaborations where Clean works closely with partners to create synergies and solve water and environmental challenges through joint projects and initiatives.
Knowledge bridge projects brings knowledge from knowledge institutions to businesses, where experts advise companies and enable continuous innovation and development, even when the technology is not yet fully mature.
Trace contributes to Denmark reaching the national climate goals within the circular economy by 2050 with a focus on…
SMEBeyond – South Baltic SMEs Advancing Beyond Borders
The project aims to shift the current paradigm, increasing the number of SMEs engaging in international business.
STRIVE mobilizes festivals and regional stakeholders across the South Baltic region to embrace sustainable tourism,…
The Water4All Partnership is a groundbreaking initiative designed to enhance scientific research in freshwater.
BePacMan engages businesses and stakeholders to promote sustainable paper packaging.
The Poseidon project will develop and test practical climate adaptation solutions across the Danish-German border.
Beyond Beta – CleanTech Acceleration
In Denmark, we are among the world’s best at creating the framework for starting a business. However, newly…
CO2 Vision NeXt
The project is under the Lighthouse of Northern Jutland, CO2 Vision
Promoting pyrolysis implementation by adapting methods for assessing climate impact, goals, frameworks, and incentives.
COP – Cirkular Ocean-Bound Plastic
Ocean plastic pollution is a global problem that has serious consequences for marine wildlife and biodiversity, e.g.…
Closing Loops
TOGETHER across industries and value chains, Closing Loops mobilizes SMEs to embrace the circular economy.
From waste to disposable cups – and eventually to nutrition
Grounded specializes in turning coffee grounds into 100% naturally compostable disposable coffee cups.
From waste to 3D printed home
The project will establish an integrated and circular raw material and sourcing flow that extends from waste to…
The PlastTrack project is about developing a methodological toolbox, ready to track the degradation pathways of…
Lighthouse for water technology 2.0
The lighthouse project aims to achieve a CO2- and climate-neutral water sector by 2030.
European Digital Innovation Hubs will promote the digital transformation and the use of digital technologies among…
Brazil-Denmark Water Network
The Brazil-Denmark Water Network promotes strategic collaboration in water management.
Green Impackt
This project focus on sustainable transformation of industrial value chains related to plastic and packaging in Colombia
Endurance – Green Acceleration for EU Clusters
Endurance aims to develop a green acceleration methodology for EU clusters to integrate green growth
Talent to a Green Denmark
Competences for a Green Denmark addresses the widespread shortage of workers in Danish SME's.
GREENTUR – Sustainable tourism to reduce singleuse packaging in San André
The project objective is to address environmental challenges in San Andrés by reducing waste generation and marine…
Water Smart Connect
The project aims to create more connected, inclusive, and efficient water innovation ecosystems.
ACELERA aims to match Argentinian collaboration opportunities with European cleantech solution providers to support…
Pathways to Resource Efficiency in Santa Cruz Industries: An international collaboration between Danish Industrial…
Excess Heat Recycling
This project will look into a partnership to expand the possibility of thermoelectric energy conversion in China.
Indo-Danish Water Smart Technology network
The IoT Water India project fosters research and innovation partnerships between Danish and Indian institutions.
Innovation Power Environmental Technology 2023-24
The project is designed to boost the innovation power of environmental technology companies through knowledge sharing…
Carbon capture storage monitoring
Challenge: As Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology develops and CO2 is captured, stored and transported to…
Direct information for green agenda
Challenge: A lot is being done for the green transition among businesses, but the information and data is not reaching…
This project investigates the feasibility of cleaning the Buckingham Canal in India.
Danish CCU potential in Australia
The project will explore the possibilities of creating new innovation collaborations between Denmark and Australia…
Challenge: In many cases, sewerage systems are old, poorly mapped and difficult to access. Expanding and improving the…
BRINC – Brokering cross-border innovation through clusters
The COSME-funded project BRINC aims to spread the use of joint public procurement of innovation across national…
Challenge: Heat exchangers and heaters in contact with water quickly become overgrown with limescale, which…
New groundwater mapping technology and its novelty with focus on India
Challenge: The traditional method of finding groundwater often involves a trial-and-error approach that can result in…
Green Roof Biodiversity Monitoring
Challenge: The biodiversity crisis is a reality – also in the Mediterranean region. It has seen a huge loss in…
Transparent data-driven water utilization in West Bengalen
Challenge: In West Bengal, they have a groundwater management challenge that can lead to contamination of drinking…
3R Connect – Reduce, Reuse, Rethink
The project linked EU innovation ecosystems, focusing on Greater Copenhagen, Flanders, and Northern Portugal.
Detection and reduction of airborne viruses in daycare centers
Challenge: During 2022, it has been established by leading experts (NFA, SSI, Oxford University, WHO) that respiratory…
Sustainable reduction of PFAS pollution from groundwater wells
Challenge: In Denmark, drinking water production is threatened by increasing findings of problematic substances,…
More sustainable paint packaging
Paint'R will try to start a potential new market in the Netherlands and launch their first international market.
BioFrass – pesticide-free plant protection and nutrition
Challenge: Fusarium (a fungus that causes plant diseases) is a growing problem in many Danish nurseries. This is mainly…
Circular return system for returnable glass bottles
The project's overall goal is to create a sustainable and efficient system for recycling glass bottles.
Smart reusable cup for closed loops
Challenge: The use of single use cups at various venues and events that are either made of plastic or covered with…
InflowGo’s expansion to the US market
The company WaterZerv is looking to expand their market to North America with their solution called…
Agnostic Platform for Smart Water Devices
Challenge: Utilities and water-dependent enterprises face myriad challenges: from the aging infrastructure and…
Bio-based road surfaces with a lower carbon footprint
Challenge: Road construction is energy-intensive, and asphalt, in particular, can not be produced without oil refining.…
Naturpladen – grown acoustic panels
In this Knowledge Project, the partners tested the quality of naturebased acoustic panels.
Urban Tin Mining
This project will examine the possibilities to seperate tin from cans in a more effecient way.
Nanobubbles for aeration and wastewater treatment
Challenge: Wastewater was treated using aerated tanks where COD, N, and P were biologically removed. Aeration accounted…
This Knowledge Bright Project looked into the possibilities of reducing flooding via AI and data.
Circular practice – CO2 assessment of resource symbioses
Description: To achieve a green transition and a more circular economy, it is important to ensure maximum and optimal…
Market fit for wastewater data platform
In this project, Klarifi expanded into the US market via a data-provider.
Continuum Wind Turbine Blade recycling
This partnership looked into bigger collaboration between Denmark and China about recycle of wind tubine blades.
CO2-reducing biodegradable cups
In this project, Grounded tried to get their biodisposable cup into the German market and reduce CO2 emissions.
Carbon Capture and Storage as a Service
Through this project, DecarbonICE seeked out and explored opportunities for collaboration on CCaS. CCaS.
Feasibility study of power centre Grindsted
Challenge: The pollution under the town of Grindsted is defined as one of Denmark’s 10 Generation Pollutions. The…
Circular Cities
The project targeted municipalities ambitious to work systemically and practically with local stakeholders.
Recycling discarded bed mattress
This project aimed to unlock the potential of mattress recycling in Kenya, paving the way for sustainable solutions.
Multi-calibration system for microsensors for air quality monitoring
Challenge: The market for small, cost-effective microsensors for air quality monitoring is growing – both for…
CPAP – Circular Plastics in the Americas Program
The Circular Plastics in the Americas Program (CPAP), financed by the European Union, supported a transition to a…
Lighthouse for water technology
Towards the world’s leading water sector In 2022, the Danish Business Promotion Board allocated DKK 595 million…
Preventing toxic by-products of amine-based CO2 capture
Challenge: CO2 emissions into the atmosphere are a growing problem. Therefore, technologies are being developed to…
Watertech Connect
Watertech Connect was a digital community that gave SMEs access to international and national opportunities in water…
SDG Landing Pad
The SDG Landing Pad helped companies on their way with solutions to global challenges.
ProCirc was a transnational project in the North Sea region set up to experiment, implement and learn how circular…
Denmark and Germany joined forces to strengthen the water sector and prepare both countries for climate change. 21…
Microbiological potential in SUDS beds
This project aimed to investigate and uncover the ability of microorganisms to clean locally discharged rainwater in…
Three Roads to Circular Economy – Reduce – Reuse – Recycle
Supporting the Government of Portugal in the development and implementation of reform policies to i) increase the…
A microalgae platform for the complete valorization of industrial wastewater.
EU Techbridge
The EU Techbridge project matched North American based end-users looking for innovative water and energy solutions with…
Supporting Clean-tech innovators in Accessing Large Enterprises through Unlocking Procurement (SCALE-UP)
Computerised electrocoagulation for H2S control
The project aimed to develop a sensor-controlled electrocoagulation as a cost-effective concept for reducing H2S in…
Automatic brick cleaner
The project was a pre-project for the development of a mechanical machine concept that would enable automated and…
Mobile system for decentralised treatment at the well level
Challenge: Pesticide residues in groundwater wells are increasingly threatening Danish groundwater and drinking water…
The Intelligent Well
Challenge: With more frequent rainfall in the summer and wetter winters due to climate change, the drainage systems…
Challenge: HiddenDyke was an innovative and flexible solution to a highly topical issue regarding the increasing…
Recycling of PFTE
The project aimed to uncover and expand the recycling opportunities for PFTE materials to minimise environmental and…
Structural health monitoring
The aim of the project was to conduct a demo/test via a feasibility study on a wireless structural health monitoring…
Protecting groundwater with bioremediation barriers
This project investigated the microbial and geological potential to protect groundwater from pesticides by establishing…
New way to upcycle bread
G2B BioSolution aimed to create a new value chains for bread residues, upcycling the residues into bioethanol, which…
Innovative waterproofing technology
The project aimed to help Gaia Wood achieve a proof of concept for their technology (FullWood), which could impregnate…
Sorting and recycling of textile waste
The purpose of the project was to develop and mature pre-sorting and recycling technologies in a collaboration along…
Recycling of plastic-aluminium composites
The aim of the project was to investigate the technical possibilities of separating and recycling hard-to-recycle…
Zero port emission
The purpose of this project was to clarify the technological options for removing the environmentally and…
Turn waste to homes
The potential for upcycling waste plastic and using it as a resource for 3D printing of homes was at this time enormous.
C40 City Solutions Platform
Facilitating early-stage public-private collaboration to co-create innovative climate solutions for cities.
Nordic Solutions for C40
By combining the strength of Nordic collaborations and C40’s network, Nordic Solutions for C40 will create a…