Innovative waterproofing technology


At this time, there was no commercialised technology that could thoroughly impregnate all types of wood.The consequences were an inefficient method where impregnation liquids were often only in the outermost layer of the wood, which could be washed out. At the same time, the liquids often contained many chemicals that were harmful to humans and the environment.

In addition, wood was often avoided in construction due to its fire-retardant properties, even though wood helped to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of buildings.



The project aimed to help Gaia Wood achieve a proof of concept for their technology (FullWood), which could impregnate all types of wood without toxic chemicals. In addition, the project would investigate the technology’s fire technical properties to generate knowledge and validation so that the product could be commercialised.



The goal of the project was to give building owners, architects, and designers the opportunity to use wood in their projects and buildings, which was also fireproof, so that the total CO2 emissions could be minimised for the buildings. At the same time, preliminary tests showed that the leaching rate of toxic liquids was minimised when using the technology.

01/09/2021 – 01/09/2022

400.000 DKK

Supported by

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