Nordic Solutions for C40

Nordic Solutions for C40 was the effort of 7 Nordic partners to form a self-sustaining Nordic platform. The purpose of the platform was to create space for joint Nordic B2B collaboration within the Nordic countries to respond to the leads received through the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group.

The C40 Cities network consisted of 93 of the world’s major cities with over 650 million people and accounting for a quarter of the global economy. Cities that are part of the C40 network are committed to addressing climate change and delivering their contribution to the Paris Agreement to limit global temperature rise to no more than 1.5°C above the industrial average.

Nordic Solutions for C40 would concretely create:

  • Develop a continuous platform and work for collaboration across the Nordic region
  • Engage with international cities in need of sustainable solutions.
  • Promote systematic involvement of Nordic companies

01/03/2018 – 31/12/2020

10.670.000 DKK

Supported by

Nordic Innovation Logo

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