New way to upcycle bread
At this time, around 100 thousand tonnes of bread are sent to bio-factories, which could be used as part of the value chain in other food contexts. At the same time, the challenge today is that much industrially produced bread has a high moisture content, which allows bacteria and mould to grow quickly, making the bread inedible and unusable for other uses in value chains.
G2B BioSolution aimed to create a new value chains for bread residues, upcycling the residues into bioethanol, which could be used by distilleries, and creating protein for animal feed from the side streams. In this way, they could simultaneously capture CO2 to minimise the carbon footprint while creating value chains.
Together with DTU and the partner group, they investigated how the residues could best be dried and processed to extend their lifespan to optimise the logistics from store to plant.
Want to know more?
Kasper Gregersen
Communications Consultant
Tel +45 50 78 59 68
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