Automatic brick cleaner


The project was a pre-project for the development of a mechanical machine concept that would enable automated and optimal recycling of bricks and mortar from buildings constructed with bricks. The environmental impact of the production and handling of building materials and construction waste was a challenge that was increasingly being focused on, both in terms of energy consumption, resource optimisation, and waste management.



The project brought knowledge of basic mechanical and automated methods that made it possible to efficiently separate bricks and mortar, regardless of the type of mortar used – including modern cement-lime mortars. The solution optimised the proportion of whole cleaned bricks and developed a concept for fractionation and recycling of leftover materials.



The Knowledge Bridge project boosted the BrickCleaner by adding critical knowledge about the technical aspects of handling bricks and mortar. This brought Fr. Petersen Maskinfabrik closer to automated brick cleaning, which had great potential in the construction industry. The project created a proof of concept for Fr. Petersen’s solution for automated brick cleaning, which was then ready for further processing and development.

01/10/2021 – 31/12/2022

495.000 DKK

Supported by

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