Find partners that add knowledge and value to your business
Find partners that add knowledge and value to your business and be at the front of the queue for events and networking activities in Denmark and abroad.
At Clean, networking and matchmaking are everything. We are a cluster where our main purpose is to bring together the entire Danish water and environmental technology ecosystem. This includes everything from private companies to public actors, investors, foundations and knowledge institutions.
Without networks and the ability to come together, the magic of innovation disappears. That’s why we want to be the hub of the ecosystem, where you as a player can find knowledge and value through one of our many networks.
Networking at Clean
Our network in numbers
1,000 +
Users on our digital network can become part of your own network.
500 +
Business opportunities, events, and funding opportunities you can participate in.
700 +
different companies and organizations you can connect with. These include clusters from all over the world, SMEs, large companies, knowledge institutions, and utilities.
Cleantech Connect
Cleantech Connect is an online platform for the Danish water and environmental technology ecosystem. The platform is a free online tool that aims to connect Danish companies and organizations with concrete business prospects in Denmark and around the world.
What you can expect:
- Access to national and international innovative projects and partnerships
- Concrete business and market opportunities in Denmark and around the world
- Opportunities to participate in challenges and matchmaking with end users – including large companies and public actors
- Expanded network with other players in water and environmental technology
Create an account for free and expand your network
Use that network that strives from Clean – we have used it a lot
— Cecilie Røes Andersen, Founder, RobSub
International Cleantech Network
ICN Solutions is a global digital collaboration space that opens international doors for water, energy and circular economy companies.
The free platform is a worldwide network of 22 cleantech clusters including Clean. ICN empowers cleantech companies by offering valuable support and resources in water, energy and circular economy.
What you can expect:
- Access to innovative international projects and partnerships
- Concrete business and market opportunities worldwide
- Opportunities to participate in challenges and matchmaking with end-users – including large companies and public actors
Create an account for free and expand your network:
Through the ICN solutions platform our members have access to business opportunities from all over the world they otherwise would not have. Furthermore, they can use the platform to find cooperation partners in countries they are interested in and are also active on the platform.”
— Stefan Bergsma, International Project Manager, Water Alliance
MicroChange – FLOW var værdigfuldt for vores startup
Hør hvordan MicroChange gennem FLOW – Beyond Beta forløbet er kommet et skridt tættere på deres vision om at gøre vand godt igen gennem deres plug and play løsning, med oprensning af vand.