Feasibility study of power centre Grindsted


The pollution under the town of Grindsted is defined as one of Denmark’s 10 Generation Pollutions. The water pollution is extensive and runs under most of the town.Therefore, GEV, together with the Region of Southern Denmark, had a declared goal of establishing a sustainable clean-up of the pollution via sector coupling, extracting surplus heat for consumers and supplying purified cooling water to the city’s businesses.



The key technology behind ‘Kraftcentrum Grindsted’ was electrolytically stimulated purification of the generated pollution. This pre-project, therefore, based on pumped contaminated water from the city of Grindsted, aimed to uncover the efficiency of the electrolytic purification method and provide a qualified estimate of the economics for large-scale production.

The concept and method was a newer purification method, and despite being well described in the research literature, only a few companies had commercialised the technology. The technology was an electrolytic-based pump-n-treat solution that could break down the contaminant and generate purified water of a quality that could be used for industrial cooling water.

The electrolytic process thus combined multiple degradation mechanisms, which was unique to the method and made it highly suitable for handling mixed contaminants.



The pre-project was intended to generate data and experience that would be used to design and plan subsequent on-site pilot testing of the method on an existing well.

The goal of the project was to develop a technology powered by locally produced renewable energy that combined purification of contaminated water and utilisation of low-quality waste heat as a contribution to the district heating system in Grindsted.

28/02/2023 – 03/03/2024

400.000 DKK

Supported by

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