Endurance – Green Acceleration for EU Clusters

Endurance aims to develop a green acceleration methodology for EU clusters to integrate green growth, eco-innovation and European Green Deal strategies and scenarios in SMEs and startups, thus supporting the green transition by channeling the knowledge that will facilitate the sustainable reconversion of the European industrial fabric through clusters.

Expected Results

Comprehensive Methodology
Endurance will produce a comprehensive methodology for green acceleration within clusters. This methodology will encompass well-defined, transferable, and effective acceleration scenarios, providing a practical roadmap for clusters across various European industrial sectors.

Audio-Visual Toolkit:
To enhance the understanding of SMEs and startups regarding EGD concepts, best practices, and strategies, Endurance will develop an audio-visual toolkit. This resource will facilitate the green transition through targeted upskilling and reskilling initiatives.

Facilitator’s Guide and Toolkit
The project will equip EU cluster management teams with a clear methodology supported by a facilitator’s guide and toolkit. These resources will enable clusters to independently organize and execute green acceleration workshops tailored to their specific needs.

Policy Paper
Culminating in a policy paper, Endurance will consolidate the project’s experience and knowledge. This document will offer possible solutions and measures to support clusters as essential drivers of the necessary change towards a green transition in Europe.

Endurance seeks to empower EU clusters with the tools and knowledge needed to spearhead the integration of green strategies and facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable industrial landscape in Europe.

In the summer of 2025, Clean will host a workshop as part of the Endurance project. The workshop is aimed at other cluster managers and project managers and will focus on improving our ability to support companies and startups both in Denmark and Europe. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to our project manager Henrik Nørgaard.

Learn more

For more information, follow the project on LinkedIn.

The project is funded via EU’s Erasmus+ programme under project no. 2023-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000158027.

01/10/2023 – 30/09/2025

1.860.551 DKK

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