Beyond Beta – CleanTech Acceleration

In Denmark, we are among the world’s best at creating the framework for starting a business. However, newly founded companies rarely grow very large, and in Denmark we are lagging behind countries we compare ourselves to, such as Sweden, Finland and Germany.

If we want to create more growth companies, we need to focus on startups that employ at least ten employees within two years of founding and have an average growth in the number of employees of at least 10 per cent within three years – the so-called growth startups.

Since January 2022, Clean has helped 23 water and environmental technology startups lay the foundation for their business through Beyond Beta – and we will continue this work from 1 January 2024 onwards.

Through collaboration with Erhvervshusene, Accelerace and several major players in the relevant industries, startups can get guidance to lay the foundation for their business with great success and development. For example, water startups have received sparring and 1:1 meetings with Grundfos, Kamstrup and Aarhus Vand on how startups can best approach the market and solve its needs.

If you also want to gain unique industry insight into the environmental or water sector, and at the same time be part of Denmark’s largest project for growth entrepreneurs, contact Henrik Nørgaard to hear more.

Previous participants have said…

FLOW has shown us a path and direction that has
helped us a lot. We were very early on
and only had to start building.” – Cecilie Røes Andersen, Founder, RobSub

Clean is part of the consortium behind the Beyond Beta initiative, which continues a successful, ambitious effort focused on finding and promoting Danish water and environmental technology startups that have the potential to become growth entrepreneurs.

01/01/2024 – 31/12/2026

1.482.637 DKK

Supported by

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