3. Oct 2023
Collaboration on PTFE handling and recycling

PFTE, better known as Teflon, is a widely used plastic material with numerous special properties. However, it is a product that is difficult to degrade, and currently, not much PTFE is recycled. That’s why three competing companies Trelleborg Sealing Solution, Acoplastic, and O. L. Seals joined forces with FORCE Technology in a knowledge bridge project to find solutions. The project has tested different decomposition methods, but most importantly, the project has created a confidential space where the three companies can share knowledge and collaborate even more.
Insight into opportunities and buyers of PTFE waste
All company partners have contributed with expert knowledge about PTFE, their products, and how regulations on PTFE affect the distribution chain, including waste management. FORCE Technology has conducted various degradation trials, where mechanical and technical degradation methods were tested. The trials gave all the partners insight into the options available for decomposition and handling, which they could discuss in the neutral forum.
It has been a great success in creating a neutral forum for the companies, which has been used for knowledge sharing between the experts in the companies – Asger Andersen, FORCE Technology.
The neutral forum, where the companies have been able to build relationships and trust in each other, has also increased their insight into the possibilities of PTFE and how they can help each other.
This has given the various parties insight into other opportunities and buyers of parts of their production waste – Asger Andersen, FORCE Technology.
The further course
After the project, the partners have decided to continue the forum and have agreed to invite each other over for more inspiration. There is talk of potentially expanding the group to increase knowledge sharing and the pool so that experiences can be shared more widely.
The Knowledge Bridge project ran from May 2022 to December 2022 and was granted DKK 230,000 by the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science. The partners in the project were: Trelleborg Sealing Solutions A/S, Acoplastic A/S, O. L. Seals A/S and FORCE Technology.
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Kasper Gregersen
Communications Consultant
Tel +45 50 78 59 68