2. Jan 2023
1.7 million DKK for tracking and digital analysis of micro- and nanoplastics in seawater
Before Christmas, Interreg Deutschland-Danmark has granted approx. 1.7 million euros to a new project called PLASTTRACK, where SDU, NEWTEC Engineering and CLEAN have joined forces to find solutions to identify nano- and microplastics in seawater.
Tuesday, December 20, 2023, Interreg delivered an early Christmas present before the holidays, in the form of a new approved project that focuses on automatic tracking and digital analysis of plastics from the ocean. Plastic waste in the ocean comes from many different places, with around 80% coming from land for various reasons.
The PLASTTRACK project aims to develop solutions that can ultimately help researchers and industry find out where the plastic comes from and minimize plastic in the ocean.
“Interreg Deutschland-Danmark has been an extremely valuable initiator of collaborations between institutions in Northern Germany and Southern Denmark, so that we can solve not only regional but also global challenges.” says Horst-Günter Rubahn, Head of Campus at SDU Sønderborg.
Among the partners are the Mads Clausen Institute as lead partner, the University of Southern Denmark, NEWTEC Engineering A/S and CLEAN. The project starts in 2023 and runs for 3 years under Interreg’s priority “an innovative region”.
Info about Interreg Deutschland-Danmark
Interreg Deutschland-Danmark promotes growth and cooperation across the border through various cooperation projects. For more than 30 years, this initiative has supported cooperation between actors and countries across Europe to address challenges and issues that affect everyday life, such as labor market, education, health and environmental protection.
Interreg Deutschland-Danmark is funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Read more about Interreg Deutschland-Danmark here: https://www.interreg-de-dk.eu/dk/
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Kasper Gregersen
Communications Consultant
Tel +45 50 78 59 68