Ocean Plastic Hub

A network for those interested in plastics in the ocean and aquatic environment
Welcome to the Ocean Plastic Hub – a knowledge sharing center for everyone interested in tackling the challenge of plastics in the ocean and water!
In the network you can find events, opportunities, reports and relevant information on challenges and solutions related to nano, micro and macro plastics in oceans, rivers and lakes.
The network is created in cooperation with the Interreg Deutschland-Danmark project PlastTrack and the Interreg South Baltic project Circular Ocean-bound Plastic (COP). The network is part of Cleantech Connect.
Potential members:
- Companies working with environmental technology, handling of ocean plastic or interested in utilization of recycled ocean plastic
- Municipalities working with environmental management, climate adaptation (LAR) and/or want to reduce plastic in cities
- Knowledge institutions/individuals researching or interested in marine plastic, recycling and collection
By joining the networking group you get:
- Access to a professional forum where you can share experiences and connect with people and organizations facing similar challenges
- Opportunity to learn from top experts in the field who will provide you with insights and ideas
- Access to new publications on plastic marine and aquatic environments
Emilie Kamuk Christiansen
Senior Project Manager
Tel +45 29 60 39 18
James Armour
Senior Project Manager
Tel +45 26 24 47 76
Kasper Gregersen
Communications Consultant
Tel +45 50 78 59 68