Cleantech connect

Discover Denmark’s Cleantech future with Cleantech Connect

Cleantech Connect is Denmark’s premier platform for unlocking green business opportunities in the environmental technology sector. Whether you’re a SME, corporation, city, or utility, our platform facilitates connections within the cleantech ecosystem in Denmark and across the globe.


Your Gateway to Green Opportunities

Cleantech Connect provides a dedicated online space for Danish stakeholders to explore and capitalize on green sustaniable opportunities. The platform is free of charge so you can connect with companies and organizations with tangible prospects both within Denmark and internationally.


Why Join Cleantech Connect?

By joining Cleantech Connect, you open the door to a multitude of benefits:

  • Access a unique dashboard: Explore specific national and international business/project opportunities.
  • National networking: Become part of a thriving network, connecting with potential partners locally.
  • Dialogue and co-create: Initiate meaningful conversations with relevant stakeholders, fostering co-creation and knowledge sharing.
  • Visibility and innovation: Gain visibility among potential partners and immerse yourself in an ever-expanding, innovative community.
  • Comprehensive overview: Enjoy a one-stop overview of information, materials, stakeholders, and events related to your projects.

Sign up here

Collaboration across environmental sectors

Cleantech Connect aims to foster collaboration and innovation across various environmental technology sectors, including:

  • Air
  • Climate Adaptation
  • Soil, Water and Nature
  • Waste, Resources, and Materials

Join us on Cleantech Connect and be part of the movement towards a sustainable future, driving growth in the Danish environmental technology sector. Embrace the opportunity to shape the future of green initiatives and create a positive impact on a global scale.

  • Coming soon


All events
  • Webinar
    Business meetings the audience asks a question or offers an idea to the speaker during brainstorming session


    20. Feb

    Informationmeeting about delegationstrip to Colombia

    Want to sell your solution abroad? Then you can join us in Colombia! Join this webinar to hear about the details of joining our delegation trip to…

  • Webinar


    25. Feb

    How to enter new EU markets efficiently – The Netherlands

    Interested to expand your business to other countries? Then join this webinar when we look into new markets.

  • Workshop
    Aarhus Vand Water technologies Drinking water Wastewater Climate adaptation


    25. Feb

    Experience Aarhus Vands Water Living Labs

    Visit Aarhus Vand’s Living Labs and explore opportunities for testing and demonstrating new innovative water technologies in drinking water,…

  • Webinar
    Group of people with helmets in front of a factory in Australia.


    26. Feb

    Webinar: CCUS Learnings from Australia

    How is Australia advancing Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS), and what can Denmark learn from its experiences? This webinar will…

  • DelegationMatchmaking
    Hand Colombian hat Quatape Lake Antio COP16 Event Colorful


    10.–15. Mar

    Matchmaking in Colombia

    Come and meet Colombian business partners when we arrange a European delegation to visit Colombian SMEs working with circular economy. As part of…

  • Conference
    Many people at a conference with


    11. Mar

    Aquatech Innovation Forum

    Calling all entrepreneurs, aquapreneurs and intrapreneurs – now is your time. Join the water event focused on operationalising innovation in water.

  • Webinar
    Woman traveling in Valencia city


    11. Mar

    How to enter new EU market efficiently – Spain

    Are you interested in expanding your business to other countries and don’t know where to start? Through our Interreg project SMEBeyond, we will be…

  • bio char


    26. Mar

    Biochar as an Absorbent: Exploring Positive and Negative Effects

    Biochar’s ability to absorb various substances, including pesticides, holds significant implications for both environmental sustainability and…

  • Theme day


    3. Apr

    Status on the regional Danish CCUS Clusters

    Join our seminar and the exploration of Denmark’s potential as an international CCUS hub.

  • Delegation


    2.–6. Jun

    CCUS and Hydrogen Delegation to Alberta, Canada

    Join us for an exciting trade promotion trip to Alberta, Canada, focusing on Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) and hydrogen…

  • Workshop
    Workshop in Copenhagen with ENDURANCE project


    10. Jun

    Workshop on Green Acceleration for Cluster Management Teams

    Are you a cluster leader or part of a cluster aiming to integrate green growth, innovation, and strategies from the European Green Deal into your…

  • Matchmaking
    Water Ocean Horizon


    11.–12. Jun

    Tech Tour Water Tech

    Join TechTour and see the most innovative water startups in the world in Aarhus!

  • Funding
    stone staircase


    30. Sep

    TRACE Funding Calls: DKK 67.4 Million for Collaborative Initiatives in Healthcare and Applied Textiles

    Empowering Systemic Change in Textiles and Healthcare In March 2025, the TRACE partnership will launch two separate funding calls, each with DKK…