19. Jan 2024

Five SMEs receive funding for international partnerships

A handful of Danish water and environmental technology SMEs have received funding from Clean to explore and develop international partnerships.

Clean, which works to promote Danish companies within water and environmental technology, has granted funding to five companies that are now ready to test and implement their innovative solutions in countries such as India, the Netherlands, China and Canada.

One of them is Mikkel Dalsgaard from BACESS A/S. The company aims to test innovation and cleaning solutions in India.


“We are really looking forward to getting to work and testing our solution. The awarded funds will allow us to kick-start a new EU-verified nature-based biofiltration Rootzone system for revitalizing the rivers in Tamil Nadu, India.” – Mikkel Dalsgaard, Co-owner, BACESS A/S


The funding will be used to introduce an EU-verified Rootzone system in small streams at Buckingham Canal in Chennai, India. The purpose is to clean urban wastewater directly discharged into the streams.

Read more about the opportunity

Companies with solutions for the international market

Four other innovative companies that have received support through Clean’s international funding program include:

DecarbonICE who strive to offer Carbon Capture as a Service (CCaS), allowing small/medium emitters to achieve zero or negative emissions. The project focuses on supporting the development of crucial partnerships with service providers throughout the value chain.

Paint’R ApS who have an innovative solution for the painting industry – a reusable, ergonomic and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional paint buckets. The company plans to test their innovative packaging in the Netherlands as the first international market.

TEGNOLOGY ApS has an innovative and scalable solution that makes it possible to harvest thermal energy on an industrial scale. Collaborating with a Chinese partner to test their technology will bring them one step closer to their international goals.

Continuum ApS has developed an advanced industrial mechanical process to recycle GRP material, wind turbine blades and similar materials on a large scale. This project aims to gain a deeper understanding of the Chinese construction market.


Clean’s funding program marks the beginning of an exciting phase for these companies, who now have the opportunity to strengthen their presence in the international market and put their innovative solutions into practice.


Are you ready for the international market?

Because the feedback and interest in international partnerships are high, Clean has opened the second round of the funding program “International Financing for SMEs” with a deadline of 31 January 2024. Read more and apply here.

The partnerships are co-financed by the Danish Board of Business Development, the European Union and the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science.

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