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Develop projects to increase the use of biobased material in packaging
10. Apr 2024
In this workshop, you will develop future projects and joint actions focusing on biobased plastic for packaging together with key stakeholders from Denmark, Belgium, Portugal, and Sweden.
Innovative SMEs, knowledge institutions, public stakeholders, and other experts from different EU regions have come together to identify the most pressing challenges for the circular economy in the plastic and packaging industry. To address these challenges, they have developed new ideas and topics for joint action, which can increase the use of biobased material in packaging. By participating in this workshop, you can be part of developing the projects and planning for joint action while also building new partnerships with actors from other regions.
Topics and ideas for joint action
Future projects can focus on increasing the use of biobased material in packaging. This can for example, include:
- Developing and testing decision support tools or establishing a platform with detailed scientific information about different biobased materials.
- Research and development to improve the mechanical properties of biobased material while ensuring that the biobased plastic can be reused or recycled.
- Improving the business model and economic viability of using biobased materials in packaging by increasing efficiency of production processes and establishing or scaling up value chains.
- Research and development on recycling of paper that has been laminated with biobased foils
- Investigate the sociotechnical system to handle the biobased materials in the end of life.
If you want to engage in joint actions and projects within some of these topics, this workshop is for you.
10:00 – 12:00
- Introduction
- Cross regional challenges for using biobased material in packaging
- Hear which topics for future projects and actions that have been suggested by actors from Denmark, Belgium, Portugal and Sweden
- Exercise: Co-develop action plans for joint projects
- Financing of joint projects
- Introduction to the International Cleantech Network
- Next steps for engaging in future projects
The workshop is part of the project 3R Connect – Reduce, Reuse and Rethink. The project is funded by the European Union and facilitated by Clean, Flux50 and Smart Waste Portugal. The purpose of the project is to:
- Map and analyze regional capacities and potentials for circular economy
- Identify key value chains, technologies and innovation areas
- Develop plans for new cross-regional projects focusing on R&D, matchmaking, new value chains, capacity building, knowledge exchange, pilot & demonstration, public procurement etc.
To read more about the project, click here
You can also join this online platform to see the outcomes from previous workshops and engage with some of the actors, who were involved in the development of the suggested project topics.
This is an official World Circular Economy Forum Side Event Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Want to know more?
Emilie Kamuk Christiansen
Senior Project Manager
Tel +45 29 60 39 18