10. Jan 2025
ENDURANCE: From tools to practice

The ENDURANCE project has been working to develop tools and methods that help clusters in the EU accelerate the green transition and promote sustainable innovation. The work and development of resources under the project are now being gathered in a workshop where cluster leaders will have the opportunity to test the developed tools in practice. The workshop marks an important step in the project and in the clusters’ work to promote green growth.
Tools for green innovation
During the ENDURANCE project, a range of resources and tools have been created to help clusters integrate sustainability and green innovation into their work. One of the key tools is the Pathways to Green Innovation Handbook, which provides clusters with concrete accelerator scenarios and a global roadmap for sustainability, entrepreneurship, and innovation. This tool is aimed at cluster teams, offering them the necessary tools to advise SMEs and startups, as well as integrate green innovation into their own strategies and work.
Additionally, a Green Cluster Readiness Assessment has been developed, which gives clusters a quick overview of their readiness for green transition. This questionnaire helps clusters identify their strengths and challenges when it comes to sustainability.
The project has also published three newsletters and a range of Learning and Training Materials, which are divided into four scenarios, each addressing important aspects of the green transition: Entrepreneurship & Innovation for Sustainability, Cross-collaboration for Sustainability, Digitalization for the Green Transition and Circular Systemic Solutions.
Our goal with the workshop is to provide cluster leaders with concrete tools that they can take home and use to promote sustainability within their own clusters. It’s a practical opportunity to turn theory into practice.
Henrik Nørgaard – Clean, Project Manager – Startup Navigator
The workshop as the next step
The tools and resources developed through the ENDURANCE project will now be put into practical use during the workshop. This is not just a theoretical event, but a practical opportunity for cluster leaders to work with the tools we’ve developed. Participants will gain hands-on experience with the tools and learn how to implement green innovation in their clusters and ongoing work.
The workshop will include: Workshop Methodology, providing a structured approach to designing and facilitating workshops, Video Toolkit on Good Practices & European Green Deal Strategies, showcasing examples of good practice and how to translate the EU’s Green Deal strategies into concrete actions, and Facilitator’s Guide and Workshop Toolkit, providing cluster leaders with practical tools and guidelines for hosting sustainability-focused workshops.
Opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing
The workshop also offers an opportunity for cluster leaders from across the EU to meet, exchange experiences, and network. Clusters will have the chance to discuss their own challenges and solutions, share best practices, and inspire each other to take the next step in their green journey.
Registration for the workshop is now open, and we encourage all clusters that wish to promote sustainability and green innovation in their region to sign up. The workshop is your opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the tools developed in the ENDURANCE project and take concrete steps towards a more sustainable future.
The project is supported through the Erasmus+ program with project number 2023-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000158027.
Vil du vide mere?
Scott Grønnegaard Allison
Chief Project Manager
Tel +45 50 29 67 71
Linkedin -
Henrik Nørgaard
Project Manager - Startup Navigator
Tel +45 22 58 82 30